Bridges to Burkina

What is Bridges to Burkina?

Bridges to Burkina is a charitable organization based in the United States. The charity works with rural villages in Burkina Faso, Africa, to combat poverty by helping them implement sustainable and repeatable strategic plans for economic stability, health improvement, and advancement through education.

Why are We Involved?

"My grandmother introduced me to Bridges to Burkina after showing me photos of a village in Burkina Faso. The homes there lacked basic floors, let alone modern amenities. We are all blessed in so many ways, but it's easy to take what we have for granted. Simply visiting our store is a blessing because it means you have access to the internet. The ability to make a purchase here is also a blessing because it means you have money to spend. The people in this village do not. If you choose to donate, these people may never know your name, but they will feel the impact of your generosity. Even if you're not interested in our products, I encourage you to consider donating. On behalf of Bridges to Burkina, thank you, and God bless." - Hunter Harrison, CEO of the Hunter Association Company

Thank you for your support!
